Battle of Midway značenje | engleski leksikon

Battle of Midwa ... značenje | engleski leksikon

Battle of Midway

IPA: / ˈbætl̩ əv ˈmɪˌdwe /

Množina: Battle of Midways


In World War II, decisive US naval victory over Japan June 1942 off Midway island, northwest of Hawaii. The Midway victory was one of the most important battles of the Pacific war— Japanese naval air superiority was destroyed in one day, putting an end to Japanese expansion and placing them on the defensive thereafter.
In May 1942 the Japanese
planned to expand their conquests by landing troops in the Aleutian islands and on Midway. The Japanese attack involved two task forces; the Aleutian force was to draw the US fleet north, allowing a free hand to the Midway force. The US forces deciphered Japanese naval codes and were able to intercept the mission. Both launched aircraft and the Americans sank one Japanese carrier and so damaged another two that they were abandoned. The sole remaining Japanese carrier managed to launch a strike which sank the USS Yorktown, but later in the day another US strike damaged it so badly that it had to be scuttled. With no aircraft carriers or aircraft left the Japanese abandoned their attack and retreated.

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